The payout for the housing support bonus announced in June is imminent.
The Wiener Wohnunterstützungspauschale 2023 is a new benefit from the City of Vienna that will help around 245,000 people in Vienna with 200 euros. According to the City of Vienna, this lump sum is paid unbureaucratically and without an application. But when is the payment made? And who receives the bonus?
According to the office of City Councilor Peter Hacker, this particular payment is primarily received by people whose income is below the poverty line, i.e. all recipients of minimum security benefits, AMS money unemployment assistance or housing subsidies, as well as recipients of compensatory allowances. In total, about 245,000 Viennese are affected.
No separate application is necessary to receive this support benefit. The transfer is completely automatic: “We are currently in the process of initiating the payments. At the beginning of October, we can start,” says the office of the responsible city councillor for social affairs, health, and sports, as published by the daily newspaper “Heute.”
Several entities, including the City of Vienna, the Austrian Health Insurance Fund, and the Labor Market Service, will transmit the information required to make the payouts. The Pension Insurance Institution will pay on behalf of the City of Vienna. Around 48 million euros are available for the Vienna housing assistance lump sum.
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